The physician’s role in the community
The physician plays many roles in society. It is a broader description of many roles. Traditionally physicians are healers, teachers, and sometimes scholars. They treat and diagnose human body, their disease as healers. They encourage them to have a healthy habit and not the bad one.
They get the opportunity to teach their patients, medical students, patient’s family about their illness, remedies, things to do, medications to take and many more.
There are many physicians available in a particular place. You can look for the national physician database that can be helpful for you to select a better physician from your community.
Physicians are generally called as doctors. We all need them, and our society needs them. There is a significant role of the physician in our community. The functions physician take up are as:
• Medical Expert
• Communicator
• Collaborator
• Organiser/administrator
• Teacher / Researcher
• Professional
These roles are highly patient centred. Some physicians perform certain activities that are not directly related to the patient, and everyone who consults a physician is not ill and therefore, not a patient. There are three roles for medical activities done by Physician such as at Individual level, Organization level or Community and Societal level.
Now we will be talking about physician roles in detail at the community level:
Medical Expert at a societal level: Physicians acts as consultants by advising as per their expertise to identify healthcare problems and solution about the speciality. They take responsibility or supervision in other hobbies advising the institutions/politicians and bodies.
A communicator at the Community level: Physicians must have knowledge related to medicine, medical advancement, and research-based learning. He should also share them with the community to educate them about the medical advancements that are taking place in today’s world.
Collaborator at the community level: They are bit different in comparison to the individual and organisational level. They should attend conference and events and collaborate with other physicians on a regional, national and international level.
The purpose of this collaboration is to exchange knowledge and information in the medical world that can be beneficial at a societal level.
Organiser/ administrator at the community level: Physicians must have insights into management tasks at departmental and organisations level. It is also expected to have this knowledge in regional, national and international level. They should be strategically keen to apply both theoretical and practical aspects.
They should also be aware of legislative systems of healthcare, organisation. They should set priorities in patient care relating to the allocation of resources at the societal level.
This is administering the work of management on the organisation and societal level. They contribute to the development of the healthcare system today and also in the future.
Teacher / Researcher: Research is one of the essential things of Physician. Physicians design and implement research on their speciality or the field they are working in. This helps them contribute to regional, national and international level.
They disseminate their knowledge and other health professional’s knowledge to the community through oral and written media.
This helps the community to know further researched topics in medicine. What is the advancement that has taken place and how much beneficial for the community?
Professional at the societal level: The physician should pay notice to questions which will be asked in the debate on ethical issues, prioritisation of diagnostics and therapeutic initiatives of the patients.
These are the couple of roles that are taken up by Physicians on the community level. These roles are vital. All contribute to the advancement of knowledge and learning of the society related to medical, operations or surgery, medicinal drugs and many more.