Writing essays is a pretty common thing for schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions. Nevertheless, it is not that easy to write them. Oftentimes, this obligatory task becomes a dead end in the way of students to their graduation. The reasons are different. However, one of the most conventional mistakes is ignorance of a standard plan and structure.

Many students do not follow or simply do not know simple dogmas, which are the clue to a successful completion of any essay. Here are 9 important steps, which you should follow when writing any paper, be that essay dissertation or a resume. Remember that you can always skip this tedious process if you ask a reputable resume writing service to do the job for you.
Here are 8 steps that you should follow when writing the top quality essay:
1. Read the essay question attentively. Highlight all the keywords, identify all unfamiliar words and define the task you need to complete. Do not forget to learn your limitations (definite deadline, the particular sphere of activity you need to focus, and so on).
2. Accomplish your research as a background to the essay. You should write notes in your own manner, use accessible sources, note quotations that are true and suit your topic.
3. Develop your thesis. Your thesis should be strongly connected to the main question and should make an appropriate response to it. Express it as strongly as you can.
4. Create a plan for the discussion section. Your ideas are to be logical, structural and include all essential points. It will help you to clearly realize what to do next.
5. Write the introduction. Start the discussion, introduce your thesis and mention what is to be discussed as well as how the main points will be answered. Engage your readers.
6. Write the main body of your paper. Every idea should be included in this part of your essay. Start each new paragraph in such way that the readers see the link with the rest information given in the work. Provide your readers with facts and actual evidence. Try to express your thoughts in different ways by reviewing different viewpoint on the matter at hand.
7. Write the conclusion. This is a part when you are supposed to summarize everything you were trying to explain or discuss in the paper. Show how you have proven your thesis.
8. Make sure you edit the paper. You should reread it several times so as not to miss on the tiniest mistakes. You have to be sure that your spelling, punctuation, and grammar are all up to the required standard.

Follow this simple structure, and never again you will have to worry about properly completing an essay!