22 Powerful Images That Show Just How Badly We’ve Been Treating The Environment

Fact – we are exploiting our planet. Fact – we are running out of resources. Fact – many people refuse to take notice… remember Florida banning employees from mentioning Climate Change?

But the effects of our abuse and lack of concern for our planet – the only home we have – is peaking at an alarming rate. These 22 unbelievable and might I add, scary photos of environmental damage shows ‘very clearly’ the harsh realities of the “ecological and social tragedies that Earth is suffering”.

These photos are among the many other powerful images collected into a book titled “Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot” by environmental awareness platform, Global Population Speak Out.

1. Surfing on a wave full of trash in Java (Indonesia), the world’s most populated island

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via The Idealist

2. National Willamette forest, Oregon (USA), 99% deforested

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via The Idealist

3. The Yellow river in Mongolia is so polluted that it’s almost impossible to breathe near it

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via The Idealist

4. Ken River oil field, California (USA) – exploited since 1899

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via The Idealist

5. Fire at oil platform in Gulf of Mexico, April 2010

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via The Idealist

6. Landscape full of trash in Bangladesh

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via The Idealist

7. Indonesian forest transformed into palm plantation

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via The Idealist

8. Part of the Amazonian jungle in Brazil, burnt down to be “repurposed”

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via The Idealist

9. World’s biggest excavator, Bagger 288, used to extract coal in Tagebau Hambach strip mine (Germany)

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via The Idealist

10. Landfill in Accra (Ghana). Our electronic rubbish usually ends up in Third-World countries

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via The Idealist

11. Mexico City landscape, 20 million inhabitants

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via The Idealist

12. Ship Dragging Net – A 120-meter-long pelagic trawler fishes off the coast of Mauritania to support the ever-growing demand for fish protein in the world diet.

Johanna Maria Trawler in West Africa

via The Idealist

13. Albatross killed by excessive plastic ingestion in Midway Islands (North Pacific)

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via The Idealist

14. Landscape covered in greenhouses , Almeria (Spain)

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via The Idealist

15. Tar-rich zone in Alberta, Canada destroyed by mining and toxic wastes

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via The Idealist

16. The Maldives are flooding due to global warming and human abuse and negligence. They will sink in 50 years

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via The Idealist

17. Mir mine, Russia. This gigantic hole is the world’s biggest diamond mine.

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via The Idealist

18. Enormous iceberg melting near Svalbard island in Norway

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via The Idealist

19. Dead Polar Bear – The western fjords on Svalbard, Norway, that normally freeze in winter remained ice-free all season. This bear headed north, looking for suitable sea ice to hunt on. Finding none, it eventually collapsed and died.

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via The Idealist

20. Feedlot – Industrial livestock production in Brazil.

Thousands of cattle populate a ranch on land cleared from the Amazon rainforest near Agua Boa, Brazil.

via The Idealist

21. Megalopolis – Shanghai, China, a sprawling megacity of 24 million.

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via The Idealist

22. Darkening Skies – Coal-burning power plant, United Kingdom.

Power Station chimneys, England

via The Idealist

The book also features quotes from famous writers, ecologists, and scientists to help raise awareness about the disturbing destruction of Earth’s natural environments. The book is available on Amazon.

Credit: Global Population Speak Out │ Via The Idealist Revolution
