Watching a greatly admired genius at work gives us a very powerful motivation. It inspires us to emulate their great qualities and values, as well as gives us tremendous encouragement to pursue our passion in life.
Get pumped up today! Take a look at these true artists and geniuses doing what they love the most.
1. Alfred Hitchcock directing a roaring lion at the MGM Studios
2. Louis Armstrong playing for his wife at the Great Sphinx of Giza
3. Hunter Thompson writing at his favorite spot in Big Sur
4. Young Steve Jobs and Bill Gates discussing the future of the world
5. Pablo Picasso posing for the camera in his work studio
6. Nicola Tesla trying to figure out something in his lab
7. Bill Watterson drawing Calvin and Hobbs
8. Jim Hensen and crew working on Sesame Street
9. Stanley Kubrick taking a picture over Jack Nicholson’s shoulder
10. Salvador Dali painting an abstract of a hot model
11. The Monty Python crew monkeying around
12. Nat King Cole playing the piano
13. Bob Dylan playing the guitar with a bunch of friends
14. Ella Fitzgerald singing for Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman
15. Tom Waits having a good time playing music
16. Tony Hawk posing at a skatepark
17. Jimi Hendrix playing with the 101st Airborne
18. John Lennon leading the group The Quarry Men way back in 1957
19. Bobby Fisher playing chess simultaneously against 50 opponents. He won 47, lost 1, and drew 2.
20. Elvis Presley performing for his fans
21. Johnny Cash singing for the prisoners at Folsom State Prison
22. Ernest Hemingway fishing in Bimini with his family
Ernest Hemingway Collection John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, Boston
23. Bruce Lee showing his badass kick