This Homeless Man Walks 10 Miles A Day Every Day. When You Find Out Why, You’ll Be Moved.

Pete Buchman is a homeless man from Delaware who, rain, snow or shine, walks 5 miles away every day for a very special reason.

Pete has a senior dog named Buster and they were inseparable until Pete’s resources were drained this past July and he was left without a roof over his and Buster’s head. Homeless, Pete knows that the best thing he can do to take good care of Buster is to keep him in a shelter.

“When I couldn’t pay my rent any more, I moved across the street into the backyard of an empty house. I pitched a two-man tent, and it was kind of fun for about a week, but it wasn’t good for Buster.”

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Every day, Pete walks to the Faithful Friends Animal Society in Wilmington to visit Buster and let his 9-year-old dog know he hasn’t been abandoned. He also spends 2-3 hours a day to help the shelter walk the dogs.

homeless man walks miles to see dog

Pete is sleeping at the Sunday Breakfast Mission for now. He’s thankful that Buster is well-cared but hopes that one day, the two of them will be reunited permanently.

“He’s my buddy; he’s been with me through everything. He seems content here, and he knows now that I’m coming back, that he hasn’t been deserted. Faithful Friends helped me save my faithful friend. I’ll be grateful forever. I have nothing to complain about.”

Good man, kind heart. We have nothing but respect for you, sir.

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Credit: Life With Dogs
