Getting a college education has always been a dream for many people hoping to build a better future than their parents or ancestors had. However, the very idea of getting a college diploma has become controversial. Deciding whether a college education is still worth a shot or not is up to you, but here are a few things you need to consider before making that decision.
Why YES?
More Job Opportunities
No matter how open-minded and accepting the job market is, most employers still want their employees to have a college diploma. Recent stats suggest that only 35% of jobs in America require higher school education or less. People with a degree can see more dynamic growth in their careers and have more professions to choose from at the very start of their career path. At crisis times like during the recession from 2007 to 2010, it is people with college degrees that are in higher demand. While those who do not have a higher education diploma to show usually find themselves in a more vulnerable position, about to lose their current job or struggling to find a new one. Whatever the case, having a college education gives a sort of security and certainty that one will not be playing a survival game, trying to find any type of employment as long as it feeds them.
Higher Income
Making more money is a huge advantage to having a college education. Naturally, this doesn’t apply to everyone. It neither means that every college graduate will make more money than a high school graduate. However, it is what the situation is like in most cases. To be more precise, an average person with a college education makes $570,000 more than an average person with only a high school diploma over their lifetime. College graduates usually make around 71% to 136% more than those who don’t have a degree. However, these numbers change all the time. It has recently been noticed that college graduates no longer have as many privileges and opportunities as they used to have, only a few decades ago. With education becoming more commonplace, rules of the game are changing, and a diploma alone is not enough to be popular in the job market.
Why NO?
Most Knowledge You Get Is Not Practical
It is important to see the difference between schooling and education. College does not always guarantee the latter. What stands as a solid argument for most people who decide to skip college is that the global education system is somewhat outdated. In many cases, students don’t get the knowledge they will be using every day at work later on. In fact, many people claim that they learn more from YouTube videos, podcasts, and different articles online (which is also completely free). Naturally, it is still good to get all the information and knowledge one gets when attending lectures, but you will soon forget most of the things you invested so much of your time in if you don’t use them at work. There are some professions where having a degree is non-negotiable, but it’s not the case for most jobs.
Time Investment
Studying at college and getting a higher education is no joke. It will take up around 4 to 6 years of your time. Some students have so little free time that they even find it hard to keep up with their assignments. That’s why services like DoMyEssay are in such high demand today. However, if you look at it from a different perspective, even four years is a long time not to be working or making money. You can opt to use that time to start a job as a junior. By the time your peers graduate from their colleges, you can already take a senior position, making considerably more money than some of them ever will. Many companies are willing to hire someone with no prior experience or knowledge and educate them to get the employee they expect to see developing their company.
Student Loans
One of the most significant issues that play against college education is the debt students get when done with studies. Because of a massive debt hanging over their heads for years, people have to delay some of their life experiences like purchasing their own home or getting married and starting a family. What makes matters worse is that having a debt is very unsettling. Depending on the country’s economic changes and inflation, the amount of one’s debt can go considerably higher. In recent years, tuition fees have been growing higher, making it impossible for many Americans to even think about going to college. Some reporters say that tuition fees changed and went up eight times more than the country’s average income. It is often the debt of around $100K or more that pushes students into getting at least one part-time job when doing their studies.