Sometimes student’s life is difficult and tough with all of that work to do. And life as a PhD candidate is even harder. The responsibilities you have as a PhD in UK is overwhelming enough, especially when it comes to writing a PhD thesis.
If you are currently 4 weeks away from having to hand in your thesis before the actual deadline and you’ve literally done nothing, start to panic. Or start thinking what you can do to improve the situation. In fact, there are a lot of things you can do if you have at least some time before the deadline.
First of all, you can panic and do nothing, but that is definitely not we’re looking for. Secondly, you can google write my thesis fast and check the options. For example, a professional writing company with a team of qualified writers is one of the options. Or you can try doing everything by yourself.
Of course, 4 weeks are shorter than 3 months, but still, it is plenty of time for a PhD thesis. And that is exactly what our article is about.
Critical Tips on Writing a PhD Thesis
How to get inspired to write your PhD thesis if you have 4 weeks left until the deadline? The first and the most important recommendation is not to wait for an inspiration. Or you risk losing your diploma at all. Whatever you’re waiting for, don’t wait for it.
Just sit down and start doing something. Even if it is pretty tough in the beginning, it will definitely become easier if you apply at least a couple of tips provided below.
So, let’s have a look at how to write a PhD work fast, but qualitatively without waiting for an inspiration. Believe us, when your thesis is ready, you’ll be 100% feeling confident about submission.
● Your thesis should be like a novel. If you have already written some kind of a thesis or at least a part of it, check if there is a story in it. Any thesis should have a logical start, the middle with the main information, and the ending as any average novel. So, if you feel like your thesis doesn’t sound like a complete story, revise it once again and add the information, which is probably missing;
● Doing a proper research is a core of your dissertation. So, if you can’t decide what exactly to spend more time on – writing or researching, choose a research without a doubt. It doesn’t mean your research have to bring something innovative to the study or be the best achievement in your life. It just should be done thoroughly and properly. That’s all;
● Whenever you have a problem or any doubt with your paper, consult with your professor or supervisor. A professional guidance is a must for a PhD work. So, don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t want to lose a diploma in the end;
● Always follow the formatting and the guidelines from the very beginning. If you want to save a lot of time, you have to write accordingly to the required format from the very beginning. If you hope to change the format while proofreading, you’ll lose a lot of precious time. So, stick to a format from the very first sentences of your thesis;
● Look at the examples. It is okay if you don’t understand how your thesis should look like. Take the examples of other student’s thesis online and look through them to have a clear vision of what exactly you’re expected to do. But don’t try to copy them or extract any interesting ideas. Plagiarism is the last thing you want to be accused of, in your thesis paper;
● The hypotheses should be tied to the results and conclusions. Do your conclusions address the hypotheses? The results you get should answer the main questions about your work;
● Check the result thoroughly. A common problem among so many students is the wrong interpretation of the results they get in their dissertations. They either over-interpret or under-interpret them.
If you’re not sure, go to your supervisor and ask for an additional revision of the results you get. Misunderstanding of what you’ve got in the research can lead to a complete mess as well as losing the sense of the whole paper;
● Proofread your work at least 3 times before you submit it. Ask your supervisor to look through it too, even if your thesis is quite long. This will ensure that everything is done in the best way possible.
Remember that you don’t need to be a genius or an extremely talented student to finish your PhD in time.
All you need is continuous efforts and a little bit of time devoted to researching and writing. And don’t hesitate to use those tips provided above in order to make your PhD writing process less painful but more effective.