20 Ridiculously Hilarious Things Overheard At Whole Foods

Apparently, Whole Foods is not only a “mecca” for foodie, organic finds but also a hotspot if you want to overhear shoppers blurting out hilariously absurd things!

Here are 20 funny (and ridiculous) examples:
1. Keep calm and give your dog some kibble.

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2. To be fair, shopping with mom is an acceptable guilt trip.

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3. Fair trade

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4. Hipster fashion

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5. Isn’t kombucha a tea drink?

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6. Wait, kale chips? Kale chips?

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7. Unbleached organic flour. For real or we’re just doing some fancy word play here?

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8. Yes.

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9. Now that’s just funny.

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10. Remind me never to apply for a job at Whole Foods.

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11. But, why?

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12. Colon Capital O

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13. Ridiculous!

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14. Um…

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15. I honestly have no idea what half of the words in this sentence mean.

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16. Probably to better rip off the Amish.

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17. Not fussy at all.

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18. Well I never liked quinoa anyway.

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19. I can’t, I just can’t.

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20. Then why am I laughing?

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