Leonardo da Vinci made the first extensive studies of the possibility flight in the 1480s. He illustrated over 100 drawings that showed his theories on flight. But it was only in 1901 when the first controlled, powered flight was first reported on newspapers to have been accomplished by Gustave Whitehead with his Number 21 monoplane at Fairfield, Connecticut.
On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers made their famous sustained and controlled flight of a heavier-than-air craft near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. And humanity’s race to the skies has the never been the same.
Here at Atchuup, we love to feature the incredible feats of the pioneers of aviation and other amazing pioneers and trailblazers in their respective fields. We gather below interesting vintage photos of flying machines from the early 1900s.
1. Robart, 1908.
2. Da Silva, 1909.
3. Sloan, 1910.
4. Stoeckel, 1909.
5. Witzig-Liore-Dutilleul.
6. Mr. Attwood taking off, c. 1910-1915.
7. The Willoughby Hydro-aeroplane. Pelican, c. 1910-1915.
8. Albessard.
9. Autostable.
10. Bertrand U1.
11. Dorand, 1908.
12. Gilbert.
13. Givaudan, 1909.
14. Kluytmants No. 18, c. 1909.
15. Paulhan, 1911.
16. Belin.
17. De Puiseux When bicycling and gliding collide.
18. Robart 1908.
19. Sanchez Besa, 1912.
20. Sylphe, 1911.
21. Vaniman.
22. Vedovelli, 1911.
23. Jourdan, 1911.
24. Jourdan, 1911
25. Kauffmann, 1910.
26. Moisant, 1909.
27. Moisant, 1909.
28. Paulhan, 1911.