This Millionaire Gave Up Everything to Live His Dream. His Life-Changing Advice Is Simply Amazing.

His name is Dr. John Kitchin. He’s a successful neurologist who seemed to have everything in life. He drove a Ferrari, lived in a beautiful mansion and had plenty of money in the bank. One day he’d an epiphany while talking to an old man. He was never the same person after that. He quit … Read more

Dying Father Writes Heartrending ‘Napkin Notes’ to His Daughter to Ensure She Never Has to Eat Alone.

When his doctor told him that he’s going to die of cancer, Garth Callaghan has to make sure her 14-year-old daughter Emma will never be alone eating lunch in school when he’s gone. It has been a family tradition to slip a “napkin note” into her lunch box since Emma was in kindergarten. His father … Read more

6 Horrifying Accidents That Should’ve Killed The People Involved. They Miraculously Survived.

Is it God who saved them? Or was it just pure luck that they survived? I’m pretty sure you will be asking these questions while looking at these terrifying images of the accident. But whatever religious orientation/background you have, or lack of it, it’s a miracle that these people survived. 1. The Lion Air plane lost … Read more