They Call This The Deadliest Walkway In The World. When You See The Photos, You’ll Probably Agree (18 Photos)

Pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro in Malaga, Spain, is what many people regard to as the deadliest and most terrifying walkway in the world – the El Caminito del Rey. Camino del Rey or King’s Pathway was first constructed in 1901 and was finished in 1905. It was … Read more

Australia Has The Longest Zipline Roller Coaster in the World, And It’s Terrifyingly Awesome

The world’s longest zipline roller coaster is now open for adrenalin junkies. Most zipline is often just a straight-line run. So what if you combine zipline with the thrill you get on a roller coaster ride. This is exactly what a bunch of enterprising Aussies did, creating the longest zipline in the world with twisty-curvy … Read more

This Photographer Travels The World To Capture Captivating Portraits Of Women

Two years ago, Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc quit her job to start a new life. She took her backpack and her camera and traveled the globe photographing natural women surrounded by their culture. “Beauty is diversity,” says Mihaela Noroc, “and I travel the world to discover it.” Her project is called “The Atlas of Beauty,” … Read more

14 Breathtaking Pictures Of The Most Beautiful Place In Canada

In the southeastern part of Canada, in the province of Alberta, sits the largest and most beautiful national park in the Canadian Rockies – Jasper National Park. The park, home to a diverse and lively landscape, was first referred to as Fitzhugh. It was later changed to Jasper Forest Park on September 14, 1907, after … Read more