9 Incredibly Stunning Natural Landscapes That Were Accidentally Made By Man

Our planet is filled with incredibly beautiful places. We discover them, explore them, marvel at their breathtaking design, and then we think “nature, you are awesome!” But apparently, and this may be hard to believe, some of the the most fascinating natural landscapes around the world are actually man-made. Take a look!   1. Fly … Read more

17 Historic Landmarks Photographed from a Different Angle

We mostly see the famous landmarks in all their grandness and glory, always photographed to mimic that perfect postcard scene. But how often do we get to see them from a fresh, totally different perspective? How about if we take a little step back to see what these tourist places would look like from a … Read more

Amazing Bridge Turns Into An Underwater Tunnel That Connects Denmark And Sweden

Designed by the Danish architect George K.S. Rotne, the awe-inspiring Øresund roadway connects the Danish capital of Copenhagen to the Swedish city of Malmö, stretching about 8km before transitioning through an artificial island into a 4km tunnel under the Flint Channel. It took a surprisingly short five years to make. It was opened on July … Read more