We Might Be Looking At Needle-Free Blood Tests In The Future With “The Hemolink!”

Rejoice, needle phobics of the world! The future is now less scary as a Wisconsin start-up, Tasso Inc, has come up with a needle-free way of drawing blood for test.   Behold, the Hemolink! This clever little device utilizes micro-fluid properties and use a vacuum-like process to draw blood from below the skin without having … Read more

Woman Tattooed Half Her Face But You Wouldn’t Know It. Her Skills Are Just So Good.

Basma Hameed is a very special kind of tattoo artist. Instead of tattooing people with colorful designs, she uses her incredible talent helping serious burn victims. Basma is a paramedical tattoo specialist who uses special pigments that perfectly match the skin to conceal scars, giving burn victims renewed hope. Watch. Credit: CBC News [wp_ad_camp_2]

Texas Man Became The First Heartless Person Ever To Live Without A Pulse

In 2011, 55-year-old Craig Lewis was diagnosed with “amyloidosis,” a rare case of autoimmune disease that causes rapid heart, kidney and liver failure. He would have died within days if not for two visionary doctors from Texas Heart Institute — Dr. Billy Cohn and Dr. Bud Frazier. The two doctors proposed to remove Craig Lewis’ … Read more

This Is What Ants See When They Walk Around Your House

It’s amazing what our naked eyes cannot see. It’s even more amazing when technology butts in and lets us finally take a peek into what daily objects look like under extreme close-ups! 1. Apple Stalk imgur 2. Ballpoint pen imgur 3. Beach stone imgur 4. Book pages imgur 5. Brass key imgur 6. Cornflake imgur … Read more