What Would Happen If Our Planet Lost Oxygen For 5 Seconds
Try holding your breath for five seconds. No big deal, right? Well, that’s us. We take oxygen for granted every day thinking, hey, it’s always gonna be there. But have you ever wondered what if all of a sudden, poof – oxygen’s gone. Even for just 5 seconds, what happens then? via izismile Everyone … Read more
Lina Medina Is The World’s Youngest Mother at Age 5, And This Is Her Shocking Story
Lina’s bizarre pregnancy became an extremely unique case, a medical marvel that continues to fascinate the world until today. In fact, her story remains alive as it is taught in school across the globe.
Scientists Discover Sharks Living Inside An Active Volcano
You never know what you’re going to find. Especially when you are working deep underwater.
7 Inventors Who Were Killed By Their Own Inventions
EyeCandy designed this interesting infographic of seven inventors who came up with brilliant inventions (one or two not so brilliant) that killed them. Click on the image to enlarge. [wp_ad_camp_1]
What Happens To Your Body 1 Hour After Drinking A Can Of Coke
Most of us know drinking Coke isn’t good for us. But what really happens to our body after drinking a can of this sugar-laden beverage? It’s really pretty eye opening. A detailed infographic from breaks it down for us, step by step and, well, you may reconsider picking up a can again.