NASA Released This Stunning Footage Of Earth, What It Shows Will Take Your Breath Away
We all need reminders that prompt us to see beyond our small bubble and have a greater view of life. Well, this stunning video will give it to you.
We all need reminders that prompt us to see beyond our small bubble and have a greater view of life. Well, this stunning video will give it to you.
Ignorance is not an ‘alternative choice’.
via 9gag The genes your kids will inherit via 9gag What their eye color might be via 9gag The strong genes dominate via 9gag [wp_ad_camp_2] But they can’t always be predicted with certainty via 9gag
Though the Andromeda Galaxy is over 2 million light-years away, the Hubble Space Telescope (a project of international cooperation between NASA and the European Space Agency) is powerful enough to capture this high-definition panoramic view of the galaxy which resolve individual stars in a 61,000-light-year-long stretch of Andromeda’s pancake-shaped disk. “This sweeping bird’s-eye view of … Read more
With 100 billion nerve cells, the complexity of the human brain is absolutely mind-boggling. It serves as the command center for the human nervous system, generating ideas and holding all our memories, hopes and fears. It’s also squishy and incredibly fragile. The video below shows an unfixed brain and just how delicate it truly is. … Read more
It’s said that only 2% of the world population can solve this riddle, which is claimed to have been written by Albert Einstein as a boy. Some attributed the riddle to have been written by Lewis Carrol. Either way, it’s wickedly clever and is popularly called the “Einstein’s riddle.”