These Are The 35 Greatest Dad Jokes Of All Time
Dads tell the funniest slash corniest jokes in world. They’re the best slash worst comedians we know, and we love our dad for it.
Dad’s Hilarious Reaction When Two Sons Ignored Him During Dinner
His strategy works brilliantly and it’s PRICELESS.
Man Lost His Temper Often And Was Rude To His Wife. What His Dad Did Is Priceless.
How often do you have to hammer nails in? Do you happen to be a carpenter for a living? Either way, it’s a slightly dangerous…
7-Year-Old Gets Told Not To Write Cursive. This Father’s Response To The Teacher Is Perfect.
Sadly, too many schools are teaching our kids today what to think, instead of how to think.
Stay-At-Home Mom Didn’t Want To Be Treated Like This, So She Gave This Genius Reply
This is one for all of you wonderful stay-at-home moms out there.