First and Last Photos Of The Beatles Together

The Beatles is known as the most influential act of the rock era. Despite breaking up in the 70s, their music is still very much relevant today. The Beatles’ success in the music industry is considered a benchmark of musical greatness. Due also to their perpetual popularity, their photos continue to grace the internet to … Read more

Rare 1901 Video of Pit Bull Proves They’ve Always Been Lovable

To many dog lovers, how dogs behave is often the result of how their humans raise/treat them. For instance, pit bulls getting a bad rap, which is all too often, is not something that’s entirely their fault. For years, pitties have been known to be used in dog-fighting, abused and trained to be vicious. That’s … Read more

The Deadly Soviet Women Snipers Who Terrorized the Nazis

Sniper Lyuba Makarova on the Kalinin front (1943) IMAGE: OZERKSY/AFP/GETTY IMAGES When the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, Soviet men and women sprang to join the army to defend their country. Most women enlisted as nurses, clerks, and cooks. Some of them trained to become deadly badass snipers. These women, around 2000 … Read more

Most Expensive Pocket Watch in History Made for Marie Antoinette completed in 1827

The Queen never got a chance to admire the most expensive pocket watch ever made in the world. It was supposed to be a present for her. But the Breguet number 160 known as the “Marie-Antoinette” in the Queen’s honor, was completed in 1827 –- 44 years after the watch was ordered, and 34 years … Read more