18 Strange Vintage Inventions in History

Here are inventions in history that are actually borderline genius: Automatic Tip Requester Hairbrush for gramps Comfort Lawnmowers [wp_ad_camp_1] Car Dashboard Coffeemakers Desk Beds Glow-in-the-Dark Tires Jetpacks Monopod Seats Nuclear Bomb Shelters Pipe For Two Rocket-Propelled Bicycles See-Through Boats Soup-Cooling Spoons Spaghetti Spinners Suntan Lotion Dispenser Sunning Chairs The Chain Smoker Vibrating Bras Window Baby … Read more

The Battle for Stalingrad (1942-1943)

The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the bloodiest battles in history. The city of Stalingrad was of vital strategic importance to both the Nazi Germans and the Soviet Armies. The city with Stalin’s name on it made it also an irresistible target for Hitler of having the prestige of capturing it. The fighting was … Read more