Soviet soldiers openly sexually harass German woman in Leipzig after WWII victory, 1945

The wartime rapes, especially during World War II, had been surrounded by decades of silence. As shown in this controversial photo during that time, Soviet soldiers sexually harass a passing German woman in public, near the West Hall section of the Leipzig Hauptbahnhof central railway terminus, Germany, August 1945. As Allied troops entered and occupied … Read more

26 Rare Autochrome Photos of World War I

The Autochrome photography is an early color photography process invented by the Lumière brothers in France in 1903. Thanks to Autochrome Lumière, we have these incredible images of the First World War in color. Firefighters attempt to extinguish a fire started by the German bombing of Dunkirk, France, 1917 IMAGES: PAUL CASTELNAU/GALERIE BILDERWELT/GETTY IMAGES A … Read more

25 Rare Photos in History esp. #14

Another incredible round of images from the past we rarely see. Enjoy! Old Pacific Electric red cars sit at Terminal Island junkyard, awaiting dismantling to become scrap metal (1956) A family picture 1950, Photo by Toni Schneiders The Antomium at the Brussels World’s Fair, 1958 Director Billy Wilder with Gloria Swanson and Cecil B. DeMille … Read more

London during the Blitzkrieg Bombings by Germany during World War II

The Blitzkrieg Bombings or the Blitz were the terrifying nighttime bombing raids against London and other British cities by Nazi Germany in September 1940 to May 1941. The scary raids caused enormous destruction with estimated 43,000 British civilians killed and over 139,000 wounded. But the Blitz did little effect on Britain’s determination to continue waging … Read more

Brigitte Bardot — the Goddess of 1950s and 1960s

Brigitte Bardot was known as one of the ultimate $ex symbols of the 1950s and 1960s. Bardot shot to fame when she was only a teenager. After making her film debut in 1952, the iconic blonde bombshell made international waves, quickly grabbing the attention of Hollywood bigwigs. In her early life, Bardot was an aspiring … Read more