Popular shows like Dexter

Dexter is not like other Hollywood shows that have a storyline of a detective and policeman solving murders. Dexter Morgan is a serial killer and not just a detective. He is depicted as the blood-spatter expert who assists police in solving murder mysteries. The fun part begins with his policewoman sister and his co-workers as … Read more

What Disneyland Looked Like in 1950s

Nearly 3 decades after Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse first debuted, Disneyland opened its doors. On July 17, 1955, it officially welcomed families to a magical place where they can have fun and let their imagination roam free and run wild. The amusement park quickly became a top destination that attracted visitors from all over the … Read more

9 Horrible Movie Set Accidents in Film History

Everything is possible in the movies – flying cars, killing giants, not dying after a helicopter explosion, the list goes on. The movies can be so awesome we sometimes forget that real people are behind its making. And sometimes, real people have to risk their lives for the sake of that perfect scene. Put together … Read more

Meet Hollywood’s 30 Smartest Celebrities

The beauty and glamour of Hollywood celebrities sometimes overshadows the fact that many of these stars are geniuses. Let’s take a closer look into their impressive academic achievements of some of our favorite celebs! You’d be blurting out a lot of “really?”, “no way!”, and “who knew?” with this one. Let’s start with…   Emma … Read more

25 Most Extreme Body Transformations in Film History

The history of film began in the 1890s. Since then actors and actresses have been pushing the limits to insane lengths to transform their physical image for movie roles. If you’re an actor or actress in Hollywood, being asked to gain or lose a ridiculous amount of weight in a short period of time (basically … Read more