This Animal Shelter In Dallas Closes For The Best Reason Ever

Clear the Shelters is a nationwide adoption campaign to encourage animal lovers to adopt shelter pets instead of buying from breeders and from pet stores. The annual event waives shelter fees but adopters still have to go through a screening process. As a result, thousands of animals were taken in by loving families. Hundreds of … Read more

2 Animal Conservation Stories That Will Tear Your Heart Apart

Cecil: A story of Cruelty Early morning on July 2, this year, dentist Dr. Palmer Walter shot and subsequently killed Cecil, the Lion “Cecil was a 13-yr old male Southwest African lion who primarily lived in the Hwange National Park in Matageleland North, Zimbabwe. He was major attraction at the park and was being studied … Read more

The Tragic Life of Lolita The Orca Kept in America’s Tiniest Tank For 45 Years

Credit: Oceanic Preservation Society Lolita the orca was only four years old when she was captured in 1970 along with her siblings and cousins. They were sold to the Miami SeaQuarium for $6,000. Due to their captivity, their pods weren’t able to recover and are now endangered, numbered at only 81 as of July 1, … Read more

19 Times Animals Were Caught Being Complete Jerks

Animals are great. They’re fluffy and cuddly, and given the chance, they’ll pull a prank on you when you least expect it. They can be jerks, too, you know.   1. Imgur/LiterallySr 2. Imgur/LiterallySr 3. Imgur/LiterallySr 4. Imgur/LiterallySr 5. Imgur/LiterallySr 6. Imgur/LiterallySr 7. Imgur/LiterallySr 8. Imgur/LiterallySr [wp_ad_camp_2] 9. Imgur/LiterallySr 10. Imgur/LiterallySr 11. Imgur/LiterallySr 12. Imgur/LiterallySr … Read more