Man Discovered Vintage Cars Hidden in Abandoned Quarry since World War II

Belgian PE teacher Vincent Michel stumbled upon a hidden underground in a quarry in France, which has been hidden for nearly 80 years. Many believed that the cars were hidden away during World War II. Apparently, their owners did not reclaim them after the war. The rusting collection was hidden to avoid it being captured … Read more

Commandant Amon Goeth, infamous from movie “Schindler’s List”, preparing to shoot prisoners (1943)

Amon Leopold Goeth was camp commander of the Plaszow concentration camp from February 1943 until September 1944. In the photograph he can be seen standing on his balcony preparing to shoot prisoners. Amon Leopold Goeth (German: Amon Göth) the villain of the movie Schindler’s List, was born in 1908 in Vienna, Austria. At the age … Read more

The Last Days of the Nazis (1945)

These German soldiers stand in the debris strewn street of Bastogne, Belgium, on January 9, 1945, after they were captured by the U.S. 4th Armored Division that helped break the German siege of the city. Photo credit: Library of Congress / AP Photo By the beginning of 1945, the brutal war that Nazi Germany had … Read more

Two Russian Soldiers Frozen to Death in their Foxhole (1940)

Two Soviet infantrymen frozen to death in their foxhole, Winter War, Finland (1940) In 1939 and 1940, the Soviet Union and Finland were at war. The smaller Finnish army proved tenacious. The Soviets had to bring troops from afar, including from regions that had no experience of hard winters. The Soviet army paid a heavy … Read more