10 Ancient Scary Medical Treatments that Should Stay in History

Medical practitioners of today are completely amazed of our ancestors’ advanced medical knowledge in treating various ailments. However, most methods used by our ancestors were quite strange, even scary. Toothache was treated with smoking goat fat or catching a toad at midnight. © wikipedia © wikipedia During the ancient times, they already practiced dental fillings … Read more

Rare artefact from Vasil Bojkov Collection: Bell-Situla with running relief figures of a Greek and an Amazon

Bell-shaped situlae are one of the most common vessels in Greek and the areas around. Despite their commonness though, there are particular things that make some of those vessels a little bit less common compared to the rest. And that is the relief decoration that sometimes adorns them. An example of this type of a … Read more

Inside Hitler’s Private World: The Lavish Rooms Where the Fuhrer Spent His Quiet Time

A collection of rare and risky photos to take of the Fuhrer’s personal office within the Reich Chancellery. Only a select few have been allowed into the Fuhrer’s official seat of power. Very few photographs were taken within, let alone anybody given permission to bring a camera with them inside. Let’s take a look inside … Read more

How Iranian Women Dressed in 1960s and 1970s When Hijab Was Not Yet in Force

During those years, Iranian women were emancipated but kept their Iranian identity. The look was stylish and elegant without being vulgar. Skirts were long and full showing as little skin as possible. There was a good balance of modernity and modesty during the 1950s and 1960s. By the late 1970s, however, miniskirts, shorts, tight jeans … Read more

German Troops Rescuing a French Soldier from Sinking in a Mud Hole

Germans helping a French wounded soldier (1916) Picture taken during the Battle of Verdun, one of the most deadliest battles of the Great War. The concentration of so much fighting in such a small area devastated the land, resulting in miserable conditions for troops on both sides. The shells turned up the earth and left … Read more