30 Shocking Photos of the Lviv Pogroms in 1941

The city of Lvov (L’viv) in southeastern Poland was occupied by the Soviet Union in 1939, under the terms of the German-Soviet Pact. There were over 200,000 Jews in Lvov in September 1939; nearly 100,000 were Jewish refugees from German-occupied Poland. The Germans subsequently occupied Lvov after the invasion of the Soviet Union in June … Read more

The Bloodiest Day in American History — The Battle of Sharpsburg (1862)

The Battle of Antietam was fought on September 17, 1862, near Sharpsburg, Maryland and Antietam Creek. For the locals in the Southern United States, the bloodiest day in the history of American warfare is also known as the Battle of Sharpsburg. The infamous battle was the first field army–level engagement in the Eastern Theater of … Read more

Cigarette Psychology in the 1950s – 9 Ways of Holding Your Cigarette and What It Says About You

Some smokers hold their cigarette between thumb and index figure. Others enjoy it holding between index and middle finger. Still others have unique preferable ways of holding a cigarette. According to Cigarette Psychology in the 1950s, different cigarettes’ holding styles reveal about the personality traits of a person. The way a man holds his cigarette … Read more

Matthäus Hetzenauer, Austrian sniper in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany with 345 Confirmed Kills

Matthäus Hetzenauer, Austrian sniper with 345 confirmed kills, 1944. Hetzenauer (1924–2004) was an Austrian sniper in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany. He served in the 3rd Mountain Division on the Eastern Front of World War II, and was credited with 345 kills. His longest confirmed kill was reported at 1,100 meters (1,200 yards). Hetzenauer received … Read more

The Aerial Warfare of World War I (45 pics)

The First World War was the first conflict that aircraft were involved on a large scale and played a major role in combat. In 1915, Anthony Fokker, a Dutch aircraft manufacturer working for the Germans, perfected a French invention allowing machine-gun fire through the propeller. This discovery had a deadly revolutionary consequence: the creation of … Read more

35 Incredible Vintage Photos That Show What New York Looks Like in 1970s

Photographer Meryl Meisler returned to New York City in 1975, and started photographing her hometown and the city around her. With her medium format camera she carried everywhere, Meryl took snapshots of the world she knew on Long Island– donning childhood costumes for self-portraits, comedic insider look of family and friends, the hilarity of her … Read more