The Brutal Crime Scenes of Australia in Photos Captured by Sydney Police as Early as 1930s

The Historic Houses Trust in Australia has a forensic photography archive at the Justice & Police Museum that contains around 130,000 images that had been accumulated by the New South Wales Police between 1910 and 1960. The images uncovered in the Museum’s Forensic Photography Archive capture the crime scenes and the everyday fragments of life … Read more

A Look Inside Pablo Escobar’s Famous Hacienda

Soldiers inspecting the sculptures on the grounds of the Hacienda Napoles. Photo credit: Eric Vandeville / Gamma-Rapho / Getty Images Hacienda Napoles was the vast ranch owned by the notorious drugs baron Pablo Escobar, located halfway between the city of Medellin and Bogota, the Colombian capital. With all the money he had amassed, Escobar built … Read more

Interesting Photos of Knife Throwers in History

Knife Throwing was popularized in the US in the late 19th century by traveling circus acts. But the history of knife throwing dates much further back. This particular skill was first used in hunting and martial arts, incorporated into the martial disciplines of the Japanese, African and Native American tribes. Knife throwing involves basic principles … Read more