20 Powerful Photos of Cities Around the World at War

Below is our moving collection of unforgettable photographs of cities in the past (some recent) that demonstrate the heartbreak of loss, the tremendous devastation of human conflicts and struggle for power, and the triumph of the human spirit. Verdun, 1915 Ruins of Verdun, France. The First World War. Madrid, 1936 Children playing near the facade … Read more

Photos of Nazi Invasion of Poland that Shocked the World (19 Pics)

Nazi troops shocked the entire world by invading Poland on September 1, 1939. World leaders recognized this as the final straw that would lead to war. Actually, German military leaders had been planning for war with Poland as early as 1920s. The rise to power of Hitler in 1933 capitalized on German’s desire to regain … Read more

Haunting Photos of World War II Taken by Writer James Allison

While history books can teach us a lot of things there is to know about the World War II, nothing can capture the brutal reality as well as photos of real people who were affected by it. During WWII, war photographer and writer James Allison working for the Houston Press noticed that many photos not … Read more

Amazing Old Images of Underwater Photography in 1938

Bruce Mozert is one of the pioneers of underwater photography. He staged his models into amusing situations deep in the translucent waters of Silver Springs, Florida. Bruce Mozert was one of the first photographers to design a waterproof housing to protect his camera, while working on the techniques for proper underwater lighting. [wp_ad_camp_1]