Wolf Sanctuary in Norway That Lets You Watch the Northern Lights While Cuddling With Wolves

Polar Park A wolf isn’t the kind of animal you’d fantasize about cuddling, or even let one anywhere near you. But in this incredible wolf sanctuary in Norway, that’s exactly what tourists and locals sign up for. The Polar Park in Norway is an animal wildlife sanctuary with wolves raised by humans. Unlike those wolves … Read more

Galapagos Islands: Still Enchanting As The Day Charles Darwin First Saw It in 1835

Burnt out from his medical studies, Charles Darwin thought he needed a long sabbatical. So he packed his bags, and, together with a friend, Captain Robert Fitzroy, left England on board the HMS Beagle in July 1835 bound for the Galapagos Islands, arriving on September 15, 1835. At first, his only intention was to see … Read more

Artist Cuts Into Old Books And Turns Them Into Stunning Masterpieces

Artist Barbara Wildenboer will get you in the mood for some serious paper-cutting with her collection of delicately cut books. She produces “sprawling paper nervous systems” by cutting hyperdetailed paper strips that form vein-like formations splaying out from each book’s spine. Re-purposing old books have never looked so inviting! See for yourself!   Barbara Wildenboer … Read more

33 Incredible Images That Put Everything Into Perspective

These awe-inspiring photos give us a different, mind-blowing and humbling perspective of our entire existence, reminding us of our utter insignificance in the greater scheme of things.   1. This is the Earth, where we all live. visibleearth.nasa.gov 2. This is our “neighborhood,” the solar system. Foxnews.com 3. This is the scaled distance between the … Read more

Coolest Space Photos Ever Taken by NASA (31 pics)

Throughout the years, we have been fascinated by the heavens. And lucky for us, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA constantly amazes us with some truly spectacular photos of earth, space, and pretty much the entire visible universe. Case in point, here are 31 super cool space photos taken by NASA that’ll definitely … Read more