When You Realize What This Image Actually Is, It’ll Be The Most Amazing Thing You’ve Seen Today

We remember those people we admire differently. For 21-year-old college student Heather Rooney, she decided to honor the memory of Robin Williams, who who made her laugh for many years, with this photorealistic pencil drawing. The moment you see her draw that eye using Prismacolor colored pencils, you just know the result is going to … Read more

This Stunning Art Takes A Second To Understand. Then You’ll Be Amazed.

These mind-bending anamorphic artworks require a mirrored cylinder to see their magnificent brilliance. These are the works of Jonty Hurwitz, István Orosz, William Kentridge, and other amazing anamorphic artists. Without a mirror cylinder, these masterpieces look like rubbish. But with it, they suddenly come to life in the most unique and amazing way. Enjoy! Jonty … Read more

This Adventurous Couple Had This Crazy Idea. Then 10 Years Later… WOW!

The internet dubbed it the “Chateau Bathtub” or “The Redneck Yacht Club.” But for the couple Foy and Louisa Brown it’s simply their floating dream house. It took Foy a decade-long labor of love to complete the project. They originally planned to rent the floating getaway to earn extra funds. But when it was finished … Read more

When You See Where This Guy Is Scuba Diving, Your Jaw Will Drop To The Floor. Wow.

What you’re going to see below is one of the most extravagant swimming you’ll ever see. Coming in at a whopping $2 million, this incredible pool features five huge waterfalls, an idyllic river and a tunnel deep enough for scuba diving. See for yourself. It’s amazing. (Credit: Animal Planet) [wp_ad_camp_2]

Each Week, 2 Anonymous Students Sneak Into A Classroom And Did These Mind-Blowing Things.

They go by the name Dangerdust. Each week, they sneak into a classroom and create several masterpieces that are causing a quite stir at the Columbus College Of Art & Design. They use nothing but chalk and a chalkboard, and have created some of the most stunningly beautiful and inspiring art you will ever see. … Read more