See This Rare Creature People Are Calling ‘The Most Beautiful Horse In The World’

Nature really never ceases to amaze us. From breathtaking geological formation or stunning owls, there’s simply no shortage of awe-inspiring natural marvels. One such natural marvel is this rare horse from Turkmenistan. The magnificent creatures are called “Akhal-Teke.” Their beautiful coats are unlike anything many of us have ever seen in the world. All horses … Read more

Stunning Photos of Owls Like You’ve Never Seen Them Before (12 Photos)

Owls are one of the most majestic creatures in the animal kingdom. Thailand-based photographer Sompob Sasi Smith has captured some incredible shots of owls in all of their magnificence and splendor. Photographed in their natural environment, the pictures taken are simply breathtaking. Wildlife photographers always have difficulty in photographing owls since they’re nocturnal birds and … Read more

Goose Started Pecked At A Cop’s Car Because She Needed Help

Police Officer James Givens has never quite experienced anything like it in over 26 years of service with the Cincinnati Police Department. While he was sitting in his patrol car, a goose came up and started pecking on the side of the car. Thinking she wanted food, he gave her some but the goose just … Read more