Chilling Visualization Shows Every Nuclear Detonation Since 1945

On July 16, 1945, the first nuclear weapon code named “Trinity” was detonated. Since then, there have been a staggering 2,153 nuclear detonations on our planet. Trinity, by Orbital Mechanics, is a chilling, detailed visualization that shows where every nuclear detonation occurred in chronological order. Watch! Legend: Atmospheric: red Underground: yellow Underwater: blue [wp_ad_camp_1]

Cocoa Farmers Tasting Chocolate for the First Time Ever

Ivory Coast is the largest exporter of cocoa beans (the main ingredient in chocolate) in the world. But the impoverished farmers of cocoa beans in the country generally have never seen, and cannot afford to buy the finished product – a chocolate bar. Watch their reaction when they get their first taste ever of chocolate. … Read more

Rare Glimpse Inside Some Of Iran’s Magnificent Mosques

Stupendous, magnificent and mesmerizing. We may never be able to see the inside of these grandest temples in person. But thanks to self-taught young photographer Mohammad Domiri, we now have the second best thing – a photographic glimpse of the splendrous architectural beauty of these gorgeous mosques. Take a look for yourself. Mohammad Domiri Mohammad … Read more