This Millionaire Gave Up Everything to Live His Dream. His Life-Changing Advice Is Simply Amazing.

His name is Dr. John Kitchin. He’s a successful neurologist who seemed to have everything in life. He drove a Ferrari, lived in a beautiful mansion and had plenty of money in the bank. One day he’d an epiphany while talking to an old man. He was never the same person after that. He quit … Read more

10 Powerful Sentences that Can Change Your Life. My Favorite Is Number 8.

The power of words can hugely impact our thoughts. The quality of thoughts that we keep in mind can tremendously impact our decisions in life. Here are 10 powerful sentences that can help you achieve what you want to achieve in life. 1. Climb more mountains. 2. Keep calm. 3. Fail forward. 4. Do what … Read more

You Won’t Ever Guess What’s Behind This Door. Whatever You Think It Is, It’s Awesome Than That.

Don’t judge a house by its door. You won’t be able to guess what’s inside the ordinary looking door of this garage-looking house, until you see the inside and… WHOA! The owner’s name is Jérémie Buchholtz, a photographer and apparently a very creative one. He has a very limited budget, so he bought an old … Read more