Watch Jaguar Stalking and Ambushing 150lb Caiman Crocodile from the River in Brazil

On a river island in Brazil, an eight-foot 150lb caiman was basking on a sand bank. On the other side of the river, a hungry jaguar slipped stealthily into the river, sneaked up behind the croc and attacked. Wildlife photographer Justin Black saw everything and captured the dramatic event with his camera. “The fact he … Read more

50 Photos of Rudolph Valentino — The Sex Symbol of the 1920s — During His Short Life

Rudolph Valentino was admired as the “Great Lover” of the 1920s. He was born on May 6, 1895 in Castellaneta, Apulia, Italy. Valentino was an Italian actor in America who starred in popular silent films including The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Sheik, Blood and Sand, The Eagle, and The Son of the Sheik. … Read more

11 Most Bizarre Businesses In The World

These 11 companies are raking in serious bucks for thinking way outside the box. Some are pretty genius (somehow), but most of their products/ideas are just downright wackadoo. Craziest part? They’re making a lot of money.   1. Million Dollar Homepage The homepage sells 1,000,000 pixels at a dollar a piece. Many people agreed the … Read more