Gerdi McKenna was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. When her family and friends heard about the news, they organized something quite amazing for her.
One of Gerdi’s friends contacted photographer Albert Bredenhann to set up a surprise photoshoot for her. They also arrange a trip to celebrity stylist Gary Rom’s hairdressers and together, did something truly remarkable. You might want to prepare a box of tissues for this one…
Gerdi’s friends posed for a quick photo outside the salon before kicking off their big surprise.
Albert Bredenhann
According to Metro, this video was filmed in South Africa by photographer Albert Bredenhann and has already captivated millions around the world. It is a bit of a cliche but, if this doesn’t make you appreciate life, family, and friendship even more, then I don’t know what will. Enjoy!
Credit: Vimeo / Albert Bredenhann
In solidarity with their friend, these awesome ladies shaved their hair off before the shoot, proving that they would do anything to show their love.
Albert Bredenhann
Albert Bredenhann
All their hair was donated to the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) to be braided into wigs for other cancer patients.
Albert Bredenhann
Gerdi turned up to the shoot without knowing what her friends had done for her. Her reaction says it all.
Albert Bredenhann
Albert Bredenhann