19 Rare Photos From History With Interesting Stories to Tell

What makes old, historical photos so interesting is that they offer us a window into our past, into someone else’s life. They even take us into what seems to be another world wrapped in intrigue, wonder and, sometimes, unknown.

But more than what they show us, there’s an even deeper fascination as to what the stories behind each photo. Take for instance these 19 images from history that only require one quick look to captivate you. And once you know their stories, you will be compelled to look again.

1. Taj Mahal

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via Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium

This is the earliest known photo of the Taj Mahal, c. 1850-1860.

2. Cadets

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via reddit/u/AUEngineer90

“A possible image of Confederate cadets in Morgan County, AL.”

3. Preparing to fly

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via Shutterstock

In 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt became the first president to fly.

4. Stud-muffin

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via Capital Pictures

A young John Wayne.

5. Campbell’s soup

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via flickr / Iconista

Andy Warhol buys Campbell’s soup at Gristede’s market on Second Avenue in 1964.


6. The Andromeda Galaxy

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via Wikipedia / Frazzydee | Isaac Roberts

This was taken in 1888 and is known to be the first ever photo of the galaxy.

7. Wile E. Coyote

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via goodreads

The original rules Chuck Jones had for his creations: Roadrunner and Coyote.

8. Passage

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via Getty Images / Hulton Archive

A rope bridge in India, 1870.

9. Pals

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via imgur / AbrohamLiftin

Arnold Schwarzenegger and then President George Bush go for a sled ride, 1991.

10. Peanuts

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via DOuG pRATt

The original voice cast of Peanuts.

11. Adele Ross

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via Getty Images / Hulton Archive

Adele Ross Clothing 1966, anti-miniskirt signs.

12. Clinton

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via Getty Images / stringer

Four year-old Bill Clinton, 1950.

13. Work space

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via Getty Images / Ralph Morse

Albert Einstein’s desk just as he left it, a few hours after his death in New Jersey, April, 1955.

14. Hiroshima

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via dankalia

Hiroshima, 1945 – a child left blind from the atomic bomb

15. No smoking

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via Getty Images / Zola

A German boy tries to sell his father’s Iron Cross for cigarettes. Berlin, 1945

16. Hostage

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via Corbis Images

Indianapolis, 1977 – Richard O. Hall is held hostage by Tony Kiritsis with a sawed-off shotgun during a live broadcast. The gun was rigged so that if Kiritsis was killed or if Hall tried to escape he would be shot.

17. Wheelie

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via Dull Tool Dim Bulb

Photo of the oldest known documented wheelie, 1936.

18. Helen Hulick

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via LA Times

“In 1938, Helen Hulick was a kindergarten teacher who witnessed a robbery. When testifying in court she showed up in pants and was ordered by the judge to return in a dress. When she showed up at a later date again in pants the judge sentenced her with contempt and five days in prison.”

19. King of rock and roll

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via Press Images

Elvis Presley waits for his bacon and eggs while a woman is forced to stand and wait due to segregation. Chattanooga, Tenneesee, 1965

H/t Diply