Is a simple yard sign not enough anymore? Well, according to these hilarious garage sale signs, it’s a yes. To get attract potential buyers, you need to take signage up a notch. These 19 signs show us how. Enjoy!
1. Forget the crap, I’ll buy the sign
reddit / the_real_chrisfarley
2. Probably not but let’s see what you got
reddit / iamjoeyjojo3
3. Tell me more…
reddit / frenchie73
4. Everything must go, including the husband
reddit / ronsharon
5. The minimalist approach
reddit / shan3isg0d
6. Shocker!
reddit / Siktrikshot
7. Okay, let’s go.
8. LOL Fabio
9. My kind of yard sale
reddit / DontWantToSeeYourCat
10. If you trust Kanye
reddit / swordgoatz
11. Haha!
reddit / dpkonofa
12. Free beer for the broken hearted
13. How much for two A’s?
reddit / brillosmith
14. I applaud this sign. Haha!
reddit / John_Styles
15. Batman endorsement
reddit / 50ShadesofYay
16. It’s this garage sale
reddit / cdent
17. Bags and shoes, right?
18. ‘merica
reddit / wiceo
19. No, no, no, no thanks
reddit / freddith_