No one is immune. This can happen to any of us if we don’t proofread. But these guys below committed some of the worst and hilarious grammar fails ever. Enjoy!
1. An escort trying to make a little extra money on the side
2. I’ll submit my application.
3. Ironic
4. The Hunger Games is real.
5. She prefers to be angry first, then…
6. No one can ever use this toilet.
7. The sign maker is sick and tired of boots.
8. An X-rated area
9. Oh, really?
10. I’m not an average North American. So thank you.
11. This is interesting.
12. I won’t.
13. Whew!
14. Yeah, we remember them.
15. Scary
16. So that’s inpiring now?
17. I don’t like Bon and Ape. But Tit sounds okay.
18. How about wood?
19. You’re welcome.
20. I want the $50.
21. He now regerts it.