Every now and then, we experience some bad day. If you are experiencing one right now, you have to remember that there are parents out there who are having a much worse day than you, starting with:
1. The parent who tried to work from home when this happened:
2. The parents who told their son to have ‘just one’:
3. The parent who left her kid for 2 minutes when…
4. The mom who had to explain this to the store clerk:
5. This mom trying to water the plants:
6. The soon-to-be-sad parent who owns this iPhone:
7. The parent who just bought this new couch:
8. This father who tried to get some sleep:
9. The parent who let his daughter ‘play’ with the camera:
10. The parent whose kids decided to feed the dogs:
11. This mom who had her hands full:
12. The parent whose kid decided to color the family dog:
13. The parent who let this kid play ball in the house:
14. The parent of this kid who took home decoration into her own hands:
15. The mom who left out this bag of flour:
16. This new dad:
17. The parent who found her kid doing this:
18. And also this:
19. This mom:
20. The parent who left out this can of paint:
21. The parent who found her kid doing this:
22. And this:
23. The parent of these kids:
24. The embarassed parent of this kid:
25. The parent who found his kid doing this:
Even poor grandma isn’t safe.